Obama’s Speech On Election Day Eve — Nov 2nd, 2020

4 min readNov 3, 2020
Barack Obama giving a speech in Georgia. Source.

Following the speech given on Oct 21, 2020, in Philadelphia, Barack Obama launched into a fiery speech, at an unscheduled Georgia rally on Nov 2nd, 2020.

Obama’s ability to give a speech is unparalleled, however this post-presidency speech is unique because of the lack of “political correctness”. He sounds more genuine and candid than he would as POTUS. He isn’t concerned about making unscripted jokes and casual language:

Look, Georgia could be the state. Georgia could be the place. Where we put this country back on track. And not just because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the chance to win, but you got the chance to flip two senate seats? Well, I said I gotta go. I gotta come. I told Michelle, I’m sorry baby. I got to goto Georgia.

He goes on to call out specific senators:

Let’s face it, you got two senators that badly need to be replaced…they got briefed [about COVID-19]…your two senators were publically telling you that the virus would be no big deal. But behind closed doors, they were making a bunch of moves in…




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