How Accurate is SocialBlade? I Did an Experiment to Find Out!

May 23, 2021

Socialblade has a section for predicting how many subscribers a channel will gain over time.

Here is a random tech channel I follow. They had 40,900 subscribers on January 24th, 2021. Socialblade predicts that four months later, they will have 52,883 subscribers.

Four Months Later Result

Wow! I’m amazed at how close the number was — prediction: 52,883, actual result: 52,200!

The prediction was accurate!


I’m quite impressed with SocialBlade’s accuracy and will continue to update this article with prediction results. Interestingly, the predictions on Socialblade have not been updated/regenerated. It seems they do the calculation of the prediction only once.




Most of my writing is about software. I enjoy summarizing and analyzing books and self-help videos. I am senior software consultant at